
Formerly Spel Bio

AtlanBio media is a highly advanced bioretention, stormwater filtration system, and growing media.

Formulated to meet industry standards, AtlanBio Bioretention Filter Media helps plants establish quickly. Applications include standard catch basin structures, rain gardens, bioretention cells and pre-fabricated structures such as AtlanVault concrete tanks.


  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Residential


  • Organic matter source includes mature compost made in general accordance with MRTS Form G Standard
  • Optimal Total Dissolved Salts (EC) for establishing plants and supporting growth
  • Made in general accordance with CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Appendix C: Guidelines for filter media in stormwater biofiltration systems (Version 4.01) – July 2015
  • Removal of excess nutrients – i.e. NPK
  • Growing media supports plant establishment
  • Low nitrogren and phosphorus content

Our high-quality bioretention media, AtlanBio, is a water sensitive urban design solution that requires maintenance over its lifecycle to ensure optimal performance and function. A maintenance plan will help sustain your bioretention media’s inherent properties for plant growth, water filtration and retention, while also preventing key issues – such as the spread of invasive plants, erosion, sediment build-up, and stormwater ponding. Enquire Now


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