Vortceptor GPT Primary Stormwater Treatment Parramatta River

Stormwater Treatment: Vortceptor GPTs on Parramatta River

On the eastern edge of Parramatta, Wentworth Point’s development plan is transforming the area’s existing industrial areas into a thriving and highly liveable waterfront neighbourhood.

An essential part of this development, Hill Road is a master planned residential site which will see 300 units look over the iconic Parramatta River. Part of a four-stage plan, this project will see new homes, the construction of a school, and links to nearby community facilities, shops and amenities.

The City of Parramatta has a long-term vision for renewing the Parramatta River system with sustainable approaches to waterway management – which include effective planning protocols and the improvement of stormwater infrastructure.

With lofty goals of making the Parramatta River swimmable by 2025 across 12 new sites, the area is making headway in tackling urban pollution in the area’s catchments. Sustainable development is a key outcome to reduce environmental impacts across the riverfront to accommodate the area’s growing population and support a clean waterway and its ecosystems.

Dual Vortceptors: Capturing Urban Pollution

Two Vortceptor GPTs (Gross Pollutant Traps) will provide primary treatment to meet water quality requirements across the site, with the closest of these units just 30 metres away from the Parramatta River. Providing pollution removal capabilities, these devices will capture bottles, debris, rubbish, and sediment to prevent their conveyance to the riverside. 

Creating sustainable outcomes for the site, the Vortceptor’s unique screen and treatment action produces low vortex conditions to separate these pollutants from incoming stormwater flows – improving water quality and fulfilling Water Sensitive Urban Design principles.  

A non-blocking hydrodynamic separator, the configuration of the internal screen relative to incoming stormwater flows prevents sediment build-up and blocked screens. Combined with ease of maintenance, and easy access for vacuum trucks, the result is lower operating costs and cost-effective maintenance procedures across the asset service life. 

Fabricated at Atlan’s fibreglass (FRP) manufacturing facilities in Sydney, the Vortceptor is a local high-performance alternative to imported systems. Featuring 100-year design life, these dual GPT assets improve sustainability outcomes – and provide cost-efficiency across their service life with ease of maintenance. 

Installed in challenging conditions in a tidal zone, the site’s proximity to the river was managed by pumping incoming flows out of the excavation, and a custom installation was provided to mitigate buoyancy concerns and enhance stability. 

Installation was aided by the modular design philosophy of the Vortceptor – which is fabricated as a single-piece unit and delivered ready to install. Benefiting the complex tidal installation scenario, this expedited the installation phase, minimised lifts and ensured faster project timelines compared to cast-in-situ alternatives. 

Protecting local waterways with generational water quality assets, Atlan Stormwater looks forward to meeting the challenges of redevelopment along the Parramatta River – and creating sustainable stormwater outcomes to foster liveable communities along the renewed waterfront. 

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