StormTech – Woolworths Car Park

EMERALD QLD – North-Eastern Australia – Lined Detention – 5,000m3 Installation date: May 2011 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION
  • New supermarket – Emerald, North-Eastern Australia
  • Heavy seasonal rainfall
  • Significant inflows
  • Constant traffic over the tank
  • Services and light poles intersecting the tank
  • Extreme heat conditions in summer months
  • 5,000m3 volume in one single tank
  • 12 inlets for a peak inflow of over 12m3 /s
  • Reactive clay site; fully lined tank
  • Structural assessment for constant heavy traffic
  • Structurally verified for emergency vehicle access (fire trucks)
  • The Stormtech tank had to comply with AS5100.1 (bridge design – loads standard), AS4678 (retaining wall standard) and AS2041.1 (culverts standard).
  • Compliance with local Queensland standards and independent verification.
  • The Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) structurally assessed and approved the product.
  • Isolator Rows required to comply with local environmental regulations and meet minimum water quality standards.
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