Carmel Village Shopping Centre is set to be a vibrant mixed-use retail and commercial hub, centrally located approximately 45 kilometres from Sydney’s CBD. The plaza-style site will incorporate a medical centre, supermarkets, and dining areas.
Providing stormwater solutions to help the site’s water quality and quantity concerns, SPEL provided design assistance and key stormwater infrastructure to capture and treat local water catchment areas – including the site’s carparks.
Water Quality & Quantity: Choosing a Solution
A 75,000-litre AtlanVault concrete stormwater tank system will supply on-site rainwater retention and stormwater harvesting capabilities. This sustainable system will allow water to be captured locally and held for re-use, helping to mitigate flooding, reduce reliance on potable water, and provide water quantity outcomes that future-proof the site.
Speed of installation is a key benefit of these systems, which were able to be installed in a 3-hour on-site window. These on-site efficiencies are due to the precast nature of the SPELVault, which allows easy lifting and less time with open excavations.
Fulfilling water quality and environmental criteria, a FlowFilter was also provided as part of the stormwater treatment train. StormsSacks and AtlanFilters were also installed, which will remove pollutants across the site and help it meet key environmental requirements.
These devices will help capture gross pollutants, sediment, and heavy metal contaminants – which will help reduce pollution in heavy traffic areas around the centre.
Key Benefits
- Speed of installation
- On-site efficiency, low-cost freight, and installation
- Increase safety and less open excavation on-site
- Versatile stormwater solution mitigates water quantity and quality concerns