
How many modules are required per cubic metre of storage for geocellular tank systems?

The number of modules per cubic metre of storage varies across different geocellular tank systems, and module size is a key influential factor. Modules per cubic metre of storage impacts installation efficiency – with larger modules requiring less lifts, maneuvering, and assembly for equivalent volumes of storage.

For common geocellular systems, the reported number of modules required per cubic metre of storage include –

SystemNumber of Modules
Per Cubic Metre
Atlantis Flo-Vault6.06
Atlantis Flo-Tank8.37
ACO Stormbrixx HD2.37
ACO Stormbrixx SD1.57
Rainsmart Ellipse8.33

AtlanCube improves site efficiencies compared to many competitor offerings with one module providing 1 m3 (1,000L) of storage potential.

This large module footprint means less AtlanCube modules are required per cubic metre of storage capacity compared to other geocellular detention systems available for stormwater applications. For on-site scenarios, this ensures the AtlanCube is efficient and economical – as these gains scale effectively across large volume installations.

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