Full retention separators are used at high risk sites including, but not limited to:
- Service stations
- Power stations
- Switchyards and substations
- Sites housing mining and heavy vehicles
- Windfarms
- Renewable energy plants
- Refuelling areas
Full retention oil and water separators ensure better environmental compliance and outcomes at sites where oil, petrol or fuel merge with water runoff. Separators are often mandatory to meet regulatory compliance obligations.
The type and size of separator unit you need vary according to:
- Specific site applications
- The volume of on-site oil runoff
- Your required spill capacity
Specialist advice is essential to sourcing the right separator for your site. Atlan New Zealand offers design assistance to ensure you get a unit that meets your site’s operational and compliance requirements.
Bypass separators are used in areas where the spill risk is judged to be medium.