spelfilter and spelbasin webinar

Deep Dive into SPELFilter & SPELBasin: Engineering Stormwater Solutions







Cost: Free

Deep Dive into SPELFilter & SPELBasin: Engineering Stormwater Solutions


Co-presented by SPEL New Zealand’s Matthew Scarlett (Business Development Manager), and Dr. Darren Drapper (Principal Engineer and Director of Drapper Environmental Consultants), this webinar will explore the benefits of filtration and basin solutions in local stormwater scenarios.

SPELFilter is a filter cartridge system that uses a siphonic flow to provide a low-maintenance, high-performance solution for tertiary stormwater treatment.

An innovative design with no moving parts, these units have an automatic backwash that helps renew the filter at the end of storm events. The filter system has a range of benefits, including long media life, non-leaching inorganic filter components, low on-site footprint, and excellent removal efficiency.

SPEL’s approach to modular bioretention basins, the SPELBasin is a self-contained filtration unit. Its low-footprint design incorporates the following treatment functions – screening, hydrodynamic separation, media filtration and bioretention filtering.

With excellent pollution removal capabilities, the SPELBasin is a versatile system that can be used in a variety of different sites and specifications. Our webinar will look at the technology behind these systems, and the way they can be partnered with other stormwater solutions.


Dr Darren Drapper is the Principal Engineer and Director of Drapper Environmental Consultants. He was formerly a Director on the Board of Stormwater Australia, the custodian of SQIDEP, and has extensive experience applying SQIDEP testing to more than 20 different sites and devices. A PhD-qualified environmental engineer, his goal is to assist his clients with win-win outcomes in water, stormwater and wastewater. He has 26 years of experience across manufacturing industries, consulting, government, research and academia.

Matthew Scarlett spearheads the SPEL team in New Zealand and is passionate about all things stormwater, particularly filtration, water quality and the removal of hydrocarbons from stormwater. With over twenty years’ experience in the construction marketplace, his understanding of the market and its inherent challenges helps him find the best solutions for our clients from SPEL’s tried and tested range.

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