This month we bring you the highly effective SPEL Puraceptor and the unique technology of the SPEL Smart Sponge for hydrocarbon retention.
SPEL Puraceptor – high capacity retention separator.
The SPEL Puraceptor is a full retention separator capable of containing major oil spills. Its comprehensive design and numerous features make it suitable for high-risk applications.
Designed for reliable performance
The SPEL Puraceptor is built to function effectively even in difficult circumstances. It includes an automatic closure device, which is engineered to prevent pollutants from discharging to drains and waterways as a result of light liquids build up. Additionally, its gravity-operated system means the Puraceptor will continue to work in the event of a power failure.
Complete convenience
The SPEL Puraceptor can be installed and maintained safely and easily. The one-piece unit makes for simple on-site installation, while maintenance can be undertaken from outside the tank. Click here to find out more about this powerful retention separator.
SPEL Smart Sponge – advanced hydrocarbon absorption.
The SPEL Smart Sponge is a non-toxic, fully recyclable hydrocarbon removal solution. It uses innovative polymer technology to absorb and retain hydrocarbons. Once saturated, the pollutants are transformed into a stable solid for easy recycling, providing a closed-loop solution to water pollution.
Powerful and effective
The SPEL Smart Sponge removes up to 95% of hydrocarbon runoff and is capable of absorbing three times its own weight.
The Smart Sponge also fully encapsulates recovered material – preventing it from leaching out or washing off back into the environment. Click here to find out more about the many benefits of the SPEL Smart Sponge.
Call SPEL Stormwater today on (02) 8838 1055 or make an enquiry.