
Nitrogen Offsetting: Challenges & Opportunities




Nitrogen Offsetting: Challenges & Opportunities

About the webinar

SPEL Stormwater proudly presents the Nitrogen offsetting: challenges & opportunities webinar, with Guest Speaker Professor Michele Burford. In this segment Prof. Michele Burford will explore nutrient offsetting and present her team’s research in ecosystem effects of nutrient sources, the comparison of chemical characteristics, and the development of comparative measures for nitrogen offsetting.

The webinar runs for 45 minutes with a 15 minute Q&A session at the conclusion of the presentation. A CPD certificate will be available for all attendees.

About Prof. Michele Burford

Professor Michele Burford is a researcher at the Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University. She and her team study water quality in marine and freshwater systems. They link land degradation with nutrient inputs to aquatic systems, and resulting environmental degradation, including algal blooms and fish kills. She has published more than 150 scientific publications and works closely with the water industry, fishers and government. Michele has been studying nutrient offsetting as a method to improve environmental outcomes, and has just had a major Australian Research Council project on this topic.

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