A modular bioretention solution with variable configuration, the AtlanBasin (formerly SPELBasin) provides high treatment capabilities in a condensed footprint – with up to 3800 square metres of catchment able to be treated with just 8.2 square metres of AtlanBasin.
The AtlanBasin’s innovative design ensures market-leading footprint designs for the NZ region. In the above scenario, an equivalent-sized rain garden would require coverage of 2% of the total impervious area, which would account for a 72 square-metre footprint.
This ability to meet size constraints makes the AtlanBasin perfect for applications such as car parks, commercial areas, urban subdivisions, and shopping centres. Additionally, its versatile, modular design specifications can accept variable pipe sizes and runoff directly from built-in curbs or drop-inlets.

Sustainable Stormwater Treatment

No Drop from FSL
(Finished Surface Level)

Internal Sediment &
Pollutant Storage


No Drop from FSL
(Finished Surface Level)
Putting Safety First: Eliminating Fall Heights in Bioretention Systems
The design of the AtlanBasin avoids the health and safety issues of similar devices that have fall depth from surface level to garden. These designs can provide risks to the public, who may not notice these drops in a setting such as a car park or commercial area.
The AtlanBasin is designed to remove this pitfall entirely – and the bioretention system can be installed at the same surface level as the surrounding area or curb. This is a great outcome for people using these areas and eliminates the inherent risks of using a vertical drop to provide ponding depth.
These safety issues have been mentioned across New Zealand, with many designs facing scrutiny in areas such as Auckland. With the AtlanBasin approved for use across Auckland and increasing adoption across the country – we can show you how this modular approach to bioretention can be designed to meet your stormwater specifications.
Internal Sediment Sump: Keeping a Lid on Gross Pollutants
Pre-filtration eliminates the need for maintenance to be performed in the AtlanBasin’s bioretention chamber. Captured gross pollutants and sediment are held out of sight in the device’s internal sediment sump area, which helps to retain above-ground aesthetics.
With these pollutants hidden and away from the vegetation, the plants are free to provide full treatment capabilities without blockage by sediment and gross pollution. These plants are sourced to withstand urban stresses and local environmental requirements – while playing an active role in stormwater treatment through filtration, adsorption, and biological processes.